Sex Educator Super Starter
Join Sex Educator Super Starter and get a full year of deep support and personalization to clarify, plan, and execute your next steps as a knowledgable, in-demand sex educator!
The Sex Educator Super Starter returns Spring 2024!
Important invite for brand-new and beginner-stage sex educators…
“My interests and experiences are leading me to a career in the sex education world…but HOW do I even get started?!”
Sound Familiar?
Here’s the deal… You KNOW you’re called to do something in the sexuality space because your unique life experiences have led you here. You KNOW this is your spot to shine...
The only problem? It comes with a swarm of second-guessing and mega-questioning.
How do I figure out my niche?
What’s the right direction for me?
Where are all the people I’d even sell to?
How can I make this career financially sustainable?
What are the steps needed to get where I want to go?
Wait, do I actually know where I wanna go?
What certifications would I even need?
Do I have enough knowledge?
ALL valid questions - so many of us have these questions at the beginning of our sex ed careers.
That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce…
The Sex Educator Super Starter
The year-long career coaching membership that gives you the clarity, confidence, and direction needed to create the Sex Ed career you deeply desire.
Designed for folks who know they want to help impact others in the sex ed industry, but are unsure of what a career would look like or how they’d ever make it happen!
Course Outline
You’ll get access to 9 multi-lesson video modules, that you can complete in your own time. Each module helps you through the journey of getting started, getting prepared, getting confident, getting paid, and getting ready to make your mark as a sexuality professional!
It Starts With You!
Walk away with clarity on your workplace wants & desires, and the root of why you're being called to become a sex educator.
Module 2
Your Values and Boundaries
Understand how to educate through your core values, so you feel GOOD about the information you’re sharing and the lives you’re impacting.
Module 3
Finding Your Focus
Hone in on the aspects of sex ed that spark your passion, and get tips on finding the clients and communities you want to work with!
Your Career Map
This is goal planning solidified - with identified roles, a mapped-out timeline, and begin creating opportunities to build the career you desire!
Module 5
Sex Ed Certifications
Dive deep into top certification associations and certification processes to understand which, if any, align with your goals, values, funds, and timelines.
Module 6
Study Like A Sexuality Pro
Peel back the layers on academics, degrees, conferences and self-guided education, so you can choose the education avenues that work for you. Get tips to help you tackle academics on a budget.
module 7
Getting Out There
Walk away with the tangible makings (website knowledge, social spaces, content plans) to put yourself in front of ideal employers and dream opportunities..
module 8
Getting Paid
Confidently negotiate your salary and secure deals that make you EXCITED to deliver the content. Learn how to STOP undercharging and devaluing yourself.
module 9
When Things Go Wrong
Walk away knowing how to correctly face criticism while building even more resilience in the meantime. Feel confident having an action plan to handle mistakes(you’re only human!), knowing how to move forward and make things right.
And not only will you get the LIVE hands-on support to guide the career you were called to…THERE’S MUCH MORE
Knowledge Mastery Video Library - Unlimited access to over 40 bite-sized on-demand videos to soak up and take with you on your sex ed journey!
Private Community - You’ll surround yourself with other folks who get it.. This rad online hub is your welcoming spot to communicate with each other outside of the live weekly lessons, with the added perk of also connecting with past SESS members
And Who Doesn’t Love A Good Bonus?!
Upon joining SESS, you’ll also have access to these gems…
The Super Starter Workbook Collection
Get access to the Collection of workbooks which includes Boundary Building, Un-jargoning Your Practice, and Service Pricing Guides - adding to your confidence and know-how to land your dreamiest dream job and uplevel all parts of your life.
Guest Speaker Gold Mine
Meet and learn from three top-level guest speakers in the industry. The knowledge you will soak up here becomes a guiding light for your own story! And what’s best is that each guest speaker is hand-picked to coincide with who YOU are and what you need. (Yep, after meeting you and understanding your goals, specific guest speakers are brought in to jive with your season of life and business) #PersonalizationForTheWin
Ready for some fist-pumping progress?
here’s What Previous Students Had to Say
“SESS is the perfect option for newbie sexuality educators or for educators who are looking to take things in a new direction. Getting the lowdown on the business-y aspects of the field - while connecting with like-minded folks - gave me the inspiration, motivation, and direction I was craving.”
“SESS combines both sex education AND business coaching, and is as much education as it is internal work. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, the community space that Nadine creates is truly magnificent. It’s playful, tender, and powerful - and I felt held in a way that I’ve rarely felt.”
The world is waiting for YOU!
Sex education is an intrinsic part of our humanity, and you’re able to provide the gift of acceptance, intimacy, self-acceptance, and equality to others who are in need of your message.
I know you have the courage to speak up, share your knowledge. So let’s get you started!