#SaveSexEd - Media Myths For High School Students
The final lesson plan is all about identifying myths about sex, relationships, and desirability that are perpetuated in the media. It includes one of my favourite activities, based on one of my favourite classic tabletop games. Five bonus points if you can guess which one!
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?
It’s not unusual for youth at this age to have their first crushes. Your tween might have one, or they might not. Or they might have one and not want to tell you about it. Which is fine. You don’t have to push. Just the simple fact of you asking the question lets them know that you are open to talking about it
In Our Family What Parts Of Our Body Do We Keep Covered?
This conversation is all about your family’s values around modesty. There’s no right or wrong answer here. You get to set the dress code that works in your home. Some families are fine with total nudity around the house. Other families choose to keep their bodies covered virtually all the time.
What Makes You Feel Happy?
It’s such a simple question, but learning to identify feelings and where those feelings come from can really help kids express themselves and their needs now, and as they grow up.
Who Do You Think Can Make A Baby?
As I mentioned in the first post of this series, it’s useful to revisit the topic how babies are made several times throughout childhood and adolescence because it lets us add a few new details about this relatively complicated biological process each time we talk to our kids.
What Parts Of Your Body Can You Name?
Children being able to name their genitals properly is foundational sexual knowledge. It’s information that kids can use when they're young, and then build on as they move through their childhood and adolescence.
"What Do You Know About STIs?"
there’s a lot to say about STIs. It’s far easier and effective for us to put STIs on our kids’ radars early so that we have the option of discussing it over time, rather than slamming them with one massive safer sex lecture.
"How Can You Let Someone Know You're Angry With Them?"
Learning to express anger, sadness, upset with others in appropriate ways is a really important foundational relationship skill. For children, it’s something that will serve them in their relationships with friends, family and their community. Later on, it’s a skill they can bring into any romantic or sexual relationships they might have.
"What Do You Think Are Good Reasons To Have Sex?"
When it comes to having sex, adults often give teens the advice “wait until you’re ready”. But what does “ready” mean? So today's question is one you can ask the wonderful teenage kids in your life: "What do you think are good reasons to have sex?
"What's Your Favourite Social Media Platform?"
As adults, we sometimes worry about what the young folk are getting up to online. Concerns about our kids’ safety and well-being never go away entirely, but learning where your kid is hanging out online and what goes on in those digital spaces can help soothe a bit of our parental anxiety
"How Do You Think Babies Are Made?"
There are a few great reasons to start a conversation with your little person about babies and where they come from sooner rather than later!
Your friendly neighbourhood sex educator has a YouTube channel full of sex education tips, resources and information! Watch here!