100 Questions, Nadine Thornhill, Parenting, Tween, YouTube Nadine Thornhill 100 Questions, Nadine Thornhill, Parenting, Tween, YouTube Nadine Thornhill

Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?

It’s not unusual for youth at this age to have their first crushes. Your tween might have one, or they might not. Or they might have one and not want to tell you about it. Which is fine. You don’t have to push. Just the simple fact of you asking the question lets them know that you are open to talking about it

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What's It Like For Gay And Trans Kids At Your School?

Gender and sexual diversity is part of the human experience. If your child identifies as lesbian, gay, trans, non-binary, bisexual, pansexual or someone other than a heterosexual cisgender person, this is a chance to open up a conversation about their what their daily life is like.

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Who Do You Think Can Make A Baby?

As I mentioned in the first post of this series, it’s useful to revisit the topic how babies are made several times throughout childhood and adolescence because it lets us add a few new details about this relatively complicated biological process each time we talk to our kids.

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100 Questions, Nadine Thornhill, Parenting, School Age, YouTube Nadine Thornhill 100 Questions, Nadine Thornhill, Parenting, School Age, YouTube Nadine Thornhill

"How Can You Let Someone Know You're Angry With Them?"

Learning to express anger, sadness, upset with others in appropriate ways is a really important foundational relationship skill. For children, it’s something that will serve them in their relationships with friends, family and their community. Later on, it’s a skill they can bring into any romantic or sexual relationships they might have.

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"What Do You Think Are Good Reasons To Have Sex?"

When it comes to having sex, adults often give teens the advice “wait until you’re ready”. But what does “ready” mean? So today's question is one you can ask the wonderful teenage kids in your life: "What do you think are good reasons to have sex?

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100 Questions, Parenting, Social media, Tween, YouTube Nadine Thornhill 100 Questions, Parenting, Social media, Tween, YouTube Nadine Thornhill

"What's Your Favourite Social Media Platform?"

As adults, we sometimes worry about what the young folk are getting up to online. Concerns about our kids’ safety and well-being never go away entirely, but learning where your kid is hanging out online and what goes on in those digital spaces can help soothe a bit of our parental anxiety

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Partnered Sex, Pregnancy, Safer Sex, Sexual Pleasure, Teens, YouTube Nadine Thornhill Partnered Sex, Pregnancy, Safer Sex, Sexual Pleasure, Teens, YouTube Nadine Thornhill

Three Ways To Help Your Teen Avoid Unintended Pregnancy

A couple weeks ago we talked about how we can support our teens if they're dealing with an unintended pregnancy, and last week we looked at pregnancy options. This week I’ll round things out with a few parenting tips that may help your teen significantly reduce their risk of pregnancy in the first place.

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Teens, YouTube Nadine Thornhill Teens, YouTube Nadine Thornhill

How To Help Your Teen Deal With A Pregnancy

If your teen is having the type of sex where a penis meets a vagina - even if they're using birth control - pregnancy is a possibility. An unintended pregnancy doesn't mean you and your kid aren't great people or a strong family. It does mean you have a big challenge in front of you. Find out how you can help your teen face it head on!

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